Fear not, ô venerable mother! For I have double, no, triple checked everything!
I am ready as one can be for this noble quest of ours.
I am currently waiting for Inigo's limping but trusty steed to pick me up.
[Son boy]
I'll upgrade his car to healthy and trusty steed the day he fixes the hole in the bodywork
Haha alright! Have fun! Do say hi to Inigo and Severa for me!
[Son boy]
Will do! Love you mum!
[Son boy]
[Son boy]
BEHOLD, Inigo's steed, in all it's horrifying glory!
[image sent]
Oh my! Did Severa dye her hair?
[Son boy]
Indeed! It was a dark and stormy night, when Severa, thirsty for blood and revenge, snuck around to steal a vial of Inigo's most prized possession.
I did think that shade was familiar. Grey suits her well!
[Son boy]
She says thank you!
[Son boy]
[image sent]
[Son boy]
[Son boy]
Hey mum for no reason in particular do you know how to change a tire
[end call - total length 46 minutes]
[image sent]
Look at this cute little frog! It sure would be a shame if it ended in someone's shirt...
[Son boy]
i suggest frederick
this is severa btw
Oh hi there! How come you've ended with Owain's phone?
[Son boy]
dudes WASTED
inigo and him got into a drinking contest.
there were no winners.
Haha I'm not surprised
I'm glad you're here to take care of them!
Thank you for always looking after my son.
[Son boy]
eh someones gotta
[Son boy]
[Son boy]
[image sent]
Is that how it's spelt?
[Son boy]
I am not looking that up.
Why don't you hold a poll with Inigo and Severa as to how to rename it?
[Son boy]
BRILLIANT! This way they will have no other choice but to bow down to my superior naming abilities!
"Castwe Kwakenbuwug" won out.
[Son boy]
I'm curious as to how you'd say that out loud.
Hold on
[audio file sent]
Courtesy of Inigo!
I heard about the storm. Are you okay?
[message could not be delivered]
[message could not be delivered]
Please get somewhere with cell reception please respond to me soon
[message could not be delivered]
Inigo and Severa aren't answering either. Are they with you?
[message could not be delivered]
Owain, I'm worried sick
[message could not be delivered]
Owain, please
[message could not be delivered]
Owain charge your fucking phone and reply to me I swear to Naga,
[message could not be delivered]
I have been checking my phone every day hoping for a response from you.
[message could not be delivered]
The police has yet to find your body. This is my greatest hope and deepest despair.
[message could not be delivered]
They found Inigo's car at the bottom of a canyon. There were no trace of any of you inside.
[message could not be delivered]
Owain, where are you?
[message could not be delivered]
Please come back to me
[message could not be delivered]
They say you might have run away
[message could not be delivered]
Did you?
[message could not be delivered]
Why would you? Do you feel unsafe here? Is it something I've said?
[message could not be delivered]
Was it not something we could have talked about?
[message could not be delivered]
I wish that were true. I wish you had run away. I wish I were a terrible mother.
[message could not be delivered]
At least that way I'd know for sure you were alive.
[message could not be delivered]
People keep asking me about you. Your college. your landlord. Your other friend. I have to explain everytime what happened and how little I know of it.
[message could not be delivered]
It hurts.
[message could not be delivered]
Lucina told me you were dating. All three of you.
[message could not be delivered]
Why did you hide it from me? Did you think I would reject you for it?
[message could not be delivered]
My love for you is unconditional. You are my son and always will be. Nothing will ever change that. Nothing.
[message could not be delivered]
I wish I could have told you that.
[message could not be delivered]
The case still isn't closed, but I can tell the police has stopped searching.
[message could not be delivered]
Please... if you are out there, anywhere, please give me a sign.
[message could not be delivered]
I locked your old room up. It's too painful to walk past it.
[message could not be delivered]
I went to the old lake today. I could not bear to watch Halloween unfold knowing you wouldn't knock at my door this year.
[message could not be delivered]
Found your birthday present in the attic. Hurry up and come back so I can give it to you.
[message could not be delivered]
Happpy new yer
[message could not be delivered]
I am. SO drunk.
[message could not be delivered]
Everything reminds me of you. I can't go into a bookstore without seeing a novel you would love. I can't step outside in the streets without remembering you playing in
it as a kid. Even my own reflection keeps plaguing me with your eyes.
[message could not be delivered]
It has been a year
[message could not be delivered]
happy birthday
[message could not be delivered]
I decided to clean up your old room. Move some things in the attic. It's too early to throw it away, but... I can't leave the room like this.
[message could not be delivered]
It's a mess. Wish me luck.
[message could not be delivered]
Found all your old notebooks. What a trip down memory lane. I used to help you write those, remember? I can literally see how your handwriting evolved over time.
[message could not be delivered]
Found your love letters.
[message could not be delivered]
You know, in retrospect, I should have known. You three were always so close.
[message could not be delivered]
I hope they're with you, wherever you are.
[message could not be delivered]
There is an empty spot at the end of the table, and no one mentions it but we all know it's you. We all avert our eyes and pretend not to see when Chrom brings yet again an extra plate.
[message could not be delivered]
I wish you were dead. I wish you'd given me a grave and a body and a funeral. I wish you'd left me any sort of closure. Then maybe I could properly grieve.
[message could not be delivered]
I lied. Above all, above all, I wish you were with me right now..
[message could not be delivered]
I have gathered all your old notebooks and story notes. I'm trying to string them together in a compilation of stories. I can hear your voice through every page. When I will be done, I will hide your book in the deepest corner of the bookcase and maybe this open wound will stop festering.
[message could not be delivered]
It has been two years.
[message could not be delivered]
I wonder if you based Laslow and Selena off Inigo and Severa. The resemblance is uncanny! Plus, the narrator is often so obviously pining for them. Projecting much?
[message could not be delivered]
I wish I could have gotten to tease you about this. I wish you hadn't felt like you needed to hide.
[message could not be delivered]
I wish you were there.
[message could not be delivered]
Son, you have written way too much. I've been at this for months, and I'm barely even halfway through.
[message could not be delivered]
I talked about you to Lucina. She misses you a lot, too.
[message could not be delivered]
I haven't talked to anyone about you in a year. It felt good. To think back to happy memories about you, to grieve you together.
[message could not be delivered]
She agreed to help me with your writing. I'm looking forward to it.
[message could not be delivered]
I got a new phone. Same number. I lost all my old contacts, though. Maribelle told me it would be good for me, to lose your number. But Henry had memorized it by heart, and when he asked me if I wanted it, I said yes.
[message could not be delivered]
I guess neither of us will get rid of the other that easily, huh?
[message could not be delivered]
Thought of you today.
[message could not be delivered]
I heard they wanted to make a documentary about the Storm. I bet you'd be all over that, huh? A mysterious hurricane swiping through a tourist town, leaving nobody and no body in its wake. It sounds like the kind of mystery you'd eat right up.
[message could not be delivered]
Not gonna lie, if you were to become a story protagonist, I could have far better liked for that story to be a heroic fantasy one. The kind where the hero comes back covered in glory and riches.
[message could not be delivered]
Or any story where the hero comes back at all, really.
[message could not be delivered]
I lied again. I said I heard about it. The truth is, they directly contacted me to ask for my point of view on things. Some people were found after the Storm, some had genuinely ran away, but you and the other two were among the few we have genuinely not a clue about the whereabouts.
[message could not be delivered]
I told them maybe. I'm not sure... I'm not sure I can speak of you to strangers like that. But I'd like to try. I think. It's what you'd have wanted, wouldn't it? To be an urban legend hero.
[message could not be delivered]
Maybe this would help me move on, too.
[message could not be delivered]
Happy birthday
[message could not be delivered]
I gave your birthday present to the kid next door. I figured it would be better to let it live through someone else's hands rather than just collect dust... here.
[message could not be delivered]
I completed that compilation I told you about. Your writing became so much better in the last few years. Some of your stories were unfortunately unfinished, but I included them regardless. This book is for our family and our family alone, anyway.
[message could not be delivered]
I thought it would hurt more to bind it at last. But the ache of your loss has now dulled. It still hurts, and I think it always will, like an old scar. I But when I think of you, I find myself smiling. When the kids next door ask about your rock collection, I can answer without choking on my tears.
[message could not be delivered]
I will not hide that book. I will set it in my bookcase, in plain sight, and when I will think of you, I will pull it out and go through your words again.
[message could not be delivered]
This will be my last message to you. I think it is about time I put you to rest.
[message could not be delivered]
I love you, Owain, my son. I have loved you before you were even born. May we meet again, in a better life.
[message could not be delivered]
[Son boy]
Hi mum
It has
been a while
Can you
Can you come pick us up?
It’s been so long and my feet hurt so bad and we can’t find the car and I
I want to go home.
Hinami: I been crying at Lissa’s grief and the happy ending with Owain finally texting back had me bawling. Lissa is going to be so happy along with everyone else. The trio is finally home!
yuyusova: crying. this was good it hit me right in the heart
eldritchoutlaw: Holy fuck. I normally like to ramble a lot but. But just. Wow. Tears are actually pricking my eyes I got so into this. This was fantastic and I fucking love that ending and I just. I'm extremely emotional right now. I loved this experience. It was perfect and my heart has been torn from my chest and ripped into pieces and then stitched back together and placed back gently. Overwhelmingly in love with this. Whether the implication is that they were whisked away to Fates or something else entirely, I adore that they're just Back after five years and I adore the way Lissa slowly learned more like their relationship and such and I adore how she went through all of his stories and put them together and I adore the tidbit of Chrom bringing out an extra plate on accident and I adore just the way that they interacted in the first few days because it just felt so natural and they were so clearly close and. Ha well I said I wasn't going to ramble but here we are. This was incredible and I'm going to be thinking about it for a while, thanks for the pain I enjoyed this tremendously. AND THE WAY OWAIN RESPONDS I JUST. MY BOY. IT'S BEEN SO LONG AND HE'S SO TIRED WHATEVER HE WENT THROUGH AND HE JUST READ ALL OF THOSE TEXTS AND HE MUST FEEL SO BROKEN AND HE JUST MISSES HIS MOM AND I FUCK DUDE THIS WAS GOOD I LIKED IT YOU NAILED THE ENDING
FreezingKaiju: Hi I was trying to go to bed and I read this and I fucking collapsed in the stairwell Jesus Christ I am here because of halcyon/estault friend send me it because castwe kwakenbuwug and . God. God help me. I. I, I, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Puffins_Incorporated: Everytime I read one of Lisa’s texts without Owain responding all I could think of was them texting “cows! Cows! 🐄🐄” and that broke me each paragraph. Then the ending got me and man I bawled.
ObscureReference: I read fic so infrequently that I completely missed this one for way too long. But I wish I read it sooner because it's so very up my alley!! Two things: 1. ""Castwe Kwakenbuwug" won out. " So extremely funny. Love that. 2. The rest of this!! So completely up my alley!! Modern AU!! A story told in digital fragments!! I know you have my fic under the "inspired by" up top, but reading these concepts in other people's style just can't compare. Lissa's POV is so heartbreaking. When others told her it was good to lose her missing son's number but Henry had it memorized 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 Big major oofs. Love reading the slow grieving processy. Coming to terms with it but it still hurts. The hole is always there. And the ending!! Where Owain returns!! I can't imagine seeing a message like that after years. I'd lose my mind immediately. But I love that it ends there! Potential happy end!! Extremely great final last messages to end on, although I very much liked the grief too. Thanks for sharing!
Hatsage7: this fic is so outrageously good that it's honestly difficult to articulate. i'll just say that Lissa's Mom Voice here is incredible. that is exactly how moms text. that is *exactly* how they text when they're worried. it's so honest and gut-wrenching that it makes this cute, short fic a little difficult to read, but i *have* read it like 6 times now regardless lol. incredibly good stuff!
Hinami: I been crying at Lissa’s grief and the happy ending with Owain finally texting back had me bawling. Lissa is going to be so happy along with everyone else. The trio is finally home!
yuyusova: crying. this was good it hit me right in the heart
eldritchoutlaw: Holy fuck. I normally like to ramble a lot but. But just. Wow. Tears are actually pricking my eyes I got so into this. This was fantastic and I fucking love that ending and I just. I'm extremely emotional right now. I loved this experience. It was perfect and my heart has been torn from my chest and ripped into pieces and then stitched back together and placed back gently. Overwhelmingly in love with this. Whether the implication is that they were whisked away to Fates or something else entirely, I adore that they're just Back after five years and I adore the way Lissa slowly learned more like their relationship and such and I adore how she went through all of his stories and put them together and I adore the tidbit of Chrom bringing out an extra plate on accident and I adore just the way that they interacted in the first few days because it just felt so natural and they were so clearly close and. Ha well I said I wasn't going to ramble but here we are. This was incredible and I'm going to be thinking about it for a while, thanks for the pain I enjoyed this tremendously. AND THE WAY OWAIN RESPONDS I JUST. MY BOY. IT'S BEEN SO LONG AND HE'S SO TIRED WHATEVER HE WENT THROUGH AND HE JUST READ ALL OF THOSE TEXTS AND HE MUST FEEL SO BROKEN AND HE JUST MISSES HIS MOM AND I FUCK DUDE THIS WAS GOOD I LIKED IT YOU NAILED THE ENDING
FreezingKaiju: Hi I was trying to go to bed and I read this and I fucking collapsed in the stairwell Jesus Christ I am here because of halcyon/estault friend send me it because castwe kwakenbuwug and . God. God help me. I. I, I, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Puffins_Incorporated: Everytime I read one of Lisa’s texts without Owain responding all I could think of was them texting “cows! Cows! 🐄🐄” and that broke me each paragraph. Then the ending got me and man I bawled.
ObscureReference: I read fic so infrequently that I completely missed this one for way too long. But I wish I read it sooner because it's so very up my alley!! Two things: 1. ""Castwe Kwakenbuwug" won out. " So extremely funny. Love that. 2. The rest of this!! So completely up my alley!! Modern AU!! A story told in digital fragments!! I know you have my fic under the "inspired by" up top, but reading these concepts in other people's style just can't compare. Lissa's POV is so heartbreaking. When others told her it was good to lose her missing son's number but Henry had it memorized 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 Big major oofs. Love reading the slow grieving processy. Coming to terms with it but it still hurts. The hole is always there. And the ending!! Where Owain returns!! I can't imagine seeing a message like that after years. I'd lose my mind immediately. But I love that it ends there! Potential happy end!! Extremely great final last messages to end on, although I very much liked the grief too. Thanks for sharing!
Hatsage7: this fic is so outrageously good that it's honestly difficult to articulate. i'll just say that Lissa's Mom Voice here is incredible. that is exactly how moms text. that is *exactly* how they text when they're worried. it's so honest and gut-wrenching that it makes this cute, short fic a little difficult to read, but i *have* read it like 6 times now regardless lol. incredibly good stuff!