Various digimon fics!
Title: Double-slit Experiment
Tags: Hikari-centric
Original year of publication: 2018
Summary: She's light and life and sister of fire, and in her hand, the abyss sings. (Or: in which Taichi picks the wrong card, Hikari has been befriending the monsters under the bed for years, and the universe moves on.)
Title: A Pound of Flesh
Original year of publication: 2018
Tags:Body Horror
Summary: The digital world, as it turns out, has a tendency to gift a piece of itself to the kids that visit it.
Title: Because the Light is Hungry
Original year of publication: 2018
Summary: The light is not to blame, if the people believe and if belief is power.
Title: Smoke Snake
Original year of publication: 2018
Tags:Body Horror
Summary: Perhaps, Davis should have feared less TK's teeth, and more the world that made him grow them. (The disgusting crack of breaking bones, heat and fire and smoke, screams and red red red) Davis would learn, in time.
Title: Frostbite
Tags:Violence, Tomoki-centric
Original year of publication: 2018
Summary: Yutaka gets into a fight with his brother. That is nothing new. Tomoki's reaction, however, very much is.
Title: Combustion
Tags: Takuya-centric
Original year of publication: 2018
Summary: It's cold in these candle bones.
Title: Spark, Fire, Inferno
Tags: Takuya, Shinya
Original year of publication: 2018
Summary: Sometimes, it feels like there are three of his brother.
Title: Breathing in Smoke
Tags: Takuya-centric
Original year of publication: 2018
Summary: And it's really not fair- to expect him to just, fall back to being the little boy he used to be.
Title: Five Years
Tags: Daimon Sayuri/Daimon Suguru
Original year of publication: 2018
Summary: Sayuri never asks, but all she can assume is that Suguru is something of a crane wife.